We are proud to continue our collaboration with Cathrine and Niall of the award-winning "Breac House". Most recently we created a series of large ink brush drawings on heavy cotton paper for the interior of the boutique retreat.
The loose illustrations depict “Dillisk”, “Gorse” and “Bog Cotton”, chosen to reflect the names of the individual rooms at Breac House. Today we are so happy to share with you the end result of this most recent collaboration.
The drawings are Indian Ink brush drawings on a classic watercolour cotton paper .
(Above) two drawing panels installed at the Dillisk bedroom at Breac House.
Detail of Dillisk print in progress
Gorse drawing framed and installed at Breac House
Gorse ink brush drawings in progress
Close up detail of ink brush drawing
Gorse ink brush drawing single panel
Bog Cotton ink drawing
Bog Cotton drawings hanging in Breac House
You can read and see more about Breac House here, along with a previous piece we made for the interior there.